ARM 4.0 Metrics
[ARM 4.0]

Metrics are provided for executing transactions. More...


interface  OpenGroup::arm40::Provisional::metric::IArmMetric
 The superclass for all the metric interfaces. More...
interface  OpenGroup::arm40::Provisional::metric::IArmMetricCounter32
 ArmMetricCounter32 implements a 32-bit integer counter. More...
interface  OpenGroup::arm40::Provisional::metric::IArmMetricCounter32Definition
 IArmMetricCounter32Definition serves as a marker interface that binds the metadata in ArmMetricDefinition to a 32-bit counter type. More...
interface  OpenGroup::arm40::Provisional::metric::IArmMetricCounter64
 IArmMetricCounter64 implements a 64-bit integer counter. More...
interface  OpenGroup::arm40::Provisional::metric::IArmMetricCounter64Definition
 IArmMetricCounter64Definition serves as a marker interface that binds the metadata in IArmMetricDefinition to a 64-bit counter type. More...
interface  OpenGroup::arm40::Provisional::metric::IArmMetricCounterFloat32
 ArmMetricCounterFloat32 implements a 32-bit floating-point counter. More...
interface  OpenGroup::arm40::Provisional::metric::IArmMetricCounterFloat32Definition
 IArmMetricCounterFloat32Definition serves as a marker interface that binds the metadata in IArmMetricDefinition to a 32-bit floating-point counter type. More...
interface  OpenGroup::arm40::Provisional::metric::IArmMetricDefinition
 The superclass for all the metric definition interfaces. More...
interface  OpenGroup::arm40::Provisional::metric::IArmMetricFactory
 Provides methods to create instances of the classes in the OpenGroup.arm40.Provisional.metric package. More...
interface  OpenGroup::arm40::Provisional::metric::IArmMetricGauge32
 ArmMetricGauge32 implements a 32-bit integer gauge. More...
interface  OpenGroup::arm40::Provisional::metric::IArmMetricGauge32Definition
 IArmMetricGauge32Definition serves as a marker interface that binds the metadata in IArmMetricDefinition to a 32-bit gauge type. More...
interface  OpenGroup::arm40::Provisional::metric::IArmMetricGauge64
 IArmMetricGauge64 implements a 64-bit integer gauge. More...
interface  OpenGroup::arm40::Provisional::metric::IArmMetricGauge64Definition
 IArmMetricGauge64Definition serves as a marker interface that binds the metadata in IArmMetricDefinition to a 64-bit gauge type. More...
interface  OpenGroup::arm40::Provisional::metric::IArmMetricGaugeFloat32
 Implements a 32-bit floating-point gauge. More...
interface  OpenGroup::arm40::Provisional::metric::IArmMetricGaugeFloat32Definition
 IArmMetricGaugeFloat32Definition serves as a marker interface that binds the metadata in IArmMetricDefinition to a 32-bit floating-point gauge type. More...
interface  OpenGroup::arm40::Provisional::metric::IArmMetricGroup
 ArmMetricGroup is used to bind objects that implement a subclass of IArmMetric to an IArmTransactionWithMetrics or IArmTranReportWithMetrics object. More...
interface  OpenGroup::arm40::Provisional::metric::IArmMetricGroupDefinition
 IArmMetricGroupDefinition is used to bind IArmMetricDefinition objects to an IArmTransactionWithMetricsDefinition or IArmTranReportWithMetricsDefinition object. More...
interface  OpenGroup::arm40::Provisional::metric::IArmMetricNumericId32
 IArmMetricNumericId32 implements a 32-bit integer numeric id. More...
interface  OpenGroup::arm40::Provisional::metric::IArmMetricNumericId32Definition
 IArmMetricNumericId32Definition serves as a marker interface that binds the metadata in IArmMetricDefinition to a 32-bit numeric id type. More...
interface  OpenGroup::arm40::Provisional::metric::IArmMetricNumericId64
 ArmMetricNumericId64 implements a 64-bit integer numeric id. More...
interface  OpenGroup::arm40::Provisional::metric::IArmMetricNumericId64Definition
 Marks a metadata binding. More...
interface  OpenGroup::arm40::Provisional::metric::IArmMetricString32
 IArmMetricString32 implements a string of 1 to 32 characters. More...
interface  OpenGroup::arm40::Provisional::metric::IArmMetricString32Definition
 Marks a metadata binding. More...
interface  OpenGroup::arm40::Provisional::metric::IArmTranReportWithMetrics
 IArmTranReportWithMetrics is a subclass of IArmTranReport that is used if the application wishes to use metrics. More...
interface  OpenGroup::arm40::Provisional::metric::IArmTransactionWithMetrics
 IArmTransactionWithMetrics is a subclass of IArmTransaction that is used if the application wishes to use metrics. More...
interface  OpenGroup::arm40::Provisional::metric::IArmTransactionWithMetricsDefinition
 ArmTransactionWithMetricsDefinition subclasses ArmTransactionDefinition to add a binding with an ArmMetricGroupDefinition. More...


 ARM 4.0 Metric Counters

A counter is a monotonically increasing non-negative value up to its maximum possible value, at which point it wraps around to zero and starts again.

 ARM 4.0 Metric Gauges

A gauge value can go up and down, and it can be positive or negative.

 ARM 4.0 Metric Numeric IDs

A numeric ID is a numeric value that is used as an identifier, and not as a measurement value.

 ARM 4.0 Metric Strings

A string is used in the same way that a numeric ID is used.

Detailed Description

ARM supports nine data types. The data types are grouped in four categories. The categories are counters, gauges, numeric IDs, and strings.

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