OpenGroup::arm40::Provisional::metric::IArmMetricCounter64Definition Interface Reference
[ARM 4.0 MetricsARM 4.0 Metric CountersARM 4.0 Definitions]

IArmMetricCounter64Definition serves as a marker interface that binds the metadata in IArmMetricDefinition to a 64-bit counter type. More...

Inheritance diagram for OpenGroup::arm40::Provisional::metric::IArmMetricCounter64Definition:
OpenGroup::arm40::Provisional::metric::IArmMetricDefinition OpenGroup::arm40::Provisional::transaction::IArmInterface

List of all members.

Detailed Description

IArmMetricCounter64Definition is created with the newArmMetricCounter64Definition() method of IArmMetricFactory.

This is a subclass of IArmMetricDefinition serving as a marker interface that binds the metadata in IArmMetricDefinition to the metric data type, and describes an object interface that can be instantiated (there are no factory methods for objects that implement only IArmMetricDefinition). No new methods beyond those in IArmMetricDefinition are added.

Objects implementing this interface are created using IArmMetricFactory.newArmMetricCounter64Definition

The documentation for this interface was generated from the following file:
  • opengroup/arm40/provisional/metric/IArmMetricCounter64Definition.cs