arm4.h File Reference

ARM 4.0 standard header file. More...

#include "arm4os.h"
#include "arm4dyn.h"

Go to the source code of this file.

Data Structures

struct  arm_id
 An ID is a 16-byte binary value, such as a UUID. More...
struct  arm_correlator
 ARM 4.0 correlator structure. More...
struct  arm_metric_cntrdivr32
 32-bit integer plus a 32-bit divisor, used to simulate floating-point counter. More...
struct  arm_metric_gaugedivr32
 32-bit integer plus a 32-bit divisor, used to simulate floating-point gauge. More...
struct  arm_metric
 used to pass a metric value to the ARM implementation. More...
struct  arm_metric_binding
 binds a metric definition (id) to a certain transaction metric slot. More...
struct  arm_property
 defines a name value property pair. More...
struct  arm_subbuffer
 Generic sub-buffer structure. More...
struct  arm_buffer4
 User data buffer used to pass different kind of data to a function. More...
struct  arm_subbuffer_charset
 used to specify which charset the application uses. More...
struct  arm_subbuffer_app_identity
 used to specify additional identity properties for an application More...
struct  arm_subbuffer_app_context
 used to associate context properties to an application instance. More...
struct  arm_subbuffer_tran_identity
 used to specify additional identity properties for a transaction More...
struct  arm_subbuffer_tran_context
 used to associate context properties to a transaction instance. More...
struct  arm_subbuffer_arrival_time
 used to pass the arrival time for a transaction instance. More...
struct  arm_subbuffer_metric_bindings
 used to associate metrics to a transaction More...
struct  arm_subbuffer_metric_values
 used to pass a metric values to the ARM implementation. More...
struct  arm_subbuffer_user
 used to associate an user name and/or ID to a transaction instance. More...
struct  arm_subbuffer_system_address
 used to specify a different system than the one on which the call is executed. More...
struct  arm_subbuffer_diag_detail
 used to provide diagnostic detail information for not good transactions. More...


#define ARM_SB(x)   (&((x).header))
 used to cast a specific sub-buffer to a pointer to arm_subbuffer_t.

#define ARM_FALSE   0
 ARM false boolean.
#define ARM_TRUE   1
 ARM true boolean.
#define ARM_STATUS_GOOD   0
 transaction completed successfully
 transaction was aborted before it completed.
 transaction completed in error
 transaction completed but the status was unknown.
 reserved error code minimum start
 reserved error code maximum end
 User sub-buffer format see arm_subbuffer_user_t.
 Arrival time sub-buffer format see arm_subbuffer_arrival_time_t.
 Metric values sub-buffer format see arm_subbuffer_metric_values_t.
 System address sub-buffer format see arm_subbuffer_system_address_t.
 Diagnostic detail sub-buffer format see arm_subbuffer_diag_detail_t.
 Application identity sub-buffer format see arm_subbuffer_app_identity_t.
 Application context sub-buffer format see arm_subbuffer_app_context_t.
 Transaction identity sub-buffer format see arm_subbuffer_tran_identity_t.
 Transaction context sub-buffer format see arm_subbuffer_tran_context_t.
 Metric bindings sub-buffer format see arm_subbuffer_metric_bindings_t.
 Character set encoding sub-buffer format see arm_subbuffer_charset_t.
 Reserved metric format.
 arm_int32_t counter
 arm_int64_t counter
 arm_int32_t counter + arm_int32_t divisor
 arm_int32_t gauge
 arm_int64_t gauge
 arm_int32_t gauge + arm_int32_t divisor
 arm_int32_t numeric ID
 arm_int64_t numeric ID
 string (null-terminated) of a maximum length of 32 characters (33 including the null termination character)
 a metric without a specified usage.
 a metric that indicates the "size" of a transaction.
 a metric that further explains the transaction status such as a sense code that explains why a transaction failed.
 minimum array index for metric values and bindings.
 maximum array index for metric values and bindings.
 maximum array count for metric values and bindings.
 maximum characters for a string metric
 maximum bytes for a string metric
#define ARM_NAME_MAX_CHARS   127
 maximum characters for names
 maximum number of bytes for names
 maximum characters for diagnostic detail string
 maximum number of bytes for diagnostic detail string
#define ARM_MSG_BUFFER_CHARS   255
 maximum characters for message buffers
 maximum number of bytes for message buffers
 minimum array index for property names and values
 maximum array index for property names and values
 maximum array count for property names and values
 maximum characters for property names
 maximum number of bytes for property names
 maximum characters for property values
 maximum number of bytes for property values
 maximum characters for a uri property
 maximum number of bytes for a uri property
 reserved by the standard
 IP address.
 IP address and port number.
 IP v6 address.
 IP v6 address and port number.
 SNA address.
#define ARM_SYSADDR_FORMAT_X25   6
 X25 address.
 hostname string
 UUID address alias.
 ASCII-7 (US-ASCII) mandatory on all systems.
#define ARM_CHARSET_UTF8   106
 UTF-8 (UCS-2 characters only) mandatory on all systems.
#define ARM_CHARSET_UTF16BE   1013
 UTF-16 Big Endian (UCS-2 characters only).
#define ARM_CHARSET_UTF16LE   1014
 UTF-16 Little Endian (UCS-2 characters only) mandatory on Microsoft Windows.
#define ARM_CHARSET_UTF16   1015
 UTF-16 Little and Big Endian (UCS-2 characters only).
#define ARM_CHARSET_IBM037   2028
 IBM037 mandatory on IBM iSeries.
#define ARM_CHARSET_IBM1047   2102
 IBM1047 mandatory on IBM zSeries.
#define ARM_FLAG_NONE   (0x00000000)
 use instead of zero to be more readable.
#define ARM_FLAG_TRACE_REQUEST   (0x00000001)
 is set to 1 if the application requests/suggests a trace.
#define ARM_FLAG_BIND_THREAD   (0x00000002)
 is set to 1 if the started transaction is bound to this thread.
#define ARM_FLAG_CORR_IN_PROCESS   (0x00000004)
 is set to 1 if the application is stating that it will not send the correlator outside the current process.
#define ARM_CORR_MAX_LENGTH   512
 total maximal length of an ARM 4.x correlator.
 Application trace flag number.
 Agent trace flag number.
#define ARM_CORR_NONE   ((arm_correlator_t *) NULL)
 Used to pass no correlator to various functions calls (e.g. arm_start_transaction()).
#define ARM_USE_CURRENT_TIME   ((arm_stop_time_t)-1)
 short cut for capturing the current time within arm_report_transaction().
#define ARM_BUF4_NONE   ((arm_buffer4_t*) NULL)
 to be used instead of a NULL to be more readable for arm_buffer4_t null pointers.
#define ARM_ID_NONE   ((arm_id_t *) NULL)
 to be used instead of a NULL to be more readable for arm_id_t null pointers.
#define ARM_STRING_NONE   ((arm_char_t *) NULL)
 to be used instead of a NULL to be more readable.


typedef ARM4_CHAR arm_char_t
typedef ARM4_INT8 arm_int8_t
typedef ARM4_UINT8 arm_uint8_t
typedef ARM4_INT16 arm_int16_t
typedef ARM4_UINT16 arm_uint16_t
typedef ARM4_INT32 arm_int32_t
typedef ARM4_UINT32 arm_uint32_t
typedef ARM4_INT64 arm_int64_t
typedef ARM4_UINT64 arm_uint64_t
typedef arm_int32_t arm_boolean_t
typedef arm_int32_t arm_error_t
typedef arm_int64_t arm_arrival_time_t
typedef arm_int64_t arm_stop_time_t
typedef arm_int64_t arm_response_time_t
typedef arm_int32_t arm_tran_status_t
typedef arm_int32_t arm_charset_t
typedef arm_int32_t arm_sysaddr_format_t
typedef arm_char_t arm_message_buffer_t [ARM_MSG_BUFFER_LENGTH]
typedef arm_int32_t arm_subbuffer_format_t
typedef arm_uint8_t arm_metric_format_t
typedef arm_uint8_t arm_metric_slot_t
typedef arm_int16_t arm_metric_usage_t
typedef arm_int64_t arm_app_start_handle_t
typedef arm_int64_t arm_tran_start_handle_t
typedef arm_int64_t arm_tran_block_handle_t
typedef arm_int16_t arm_correlator_length_t
typedef struct arm_id arm_id_t
 An ID is a 16-byte binary value, such as a UUID.
typedef struct arm_correlator arm_correlator_t
 ARM 4.0 correlator structure.
typedef arm_int32_t arm_metric_counter32_t
 32-bit integer metric counter type
typedef arm_int64_t arm_metric_counter64_t
 64-bit integer metric counter type
typedef arm_int32_t arm_metric_divisor32_t
 32-bit integer metric divisor type
typedef arm_int32_t arm_metric_gauge32_t
 32-bit integer metric gauge type
typedef arm_int64_t arm_metric_gauge64_t
 64-bit integer metric gauge type
typedef arm_int32_t arm_metric_numericID32_t
 32-bit integer metric numeric id type
typedef arm_int64_t arm_metric_numericID64_t
 64-bit integer metric numeric id type
typedef const arm_char_tarm_metric_string32_t
 32 character wide string type.
typedef struct
 32-bit integer plus a 32-bit divisor, used to simulate floating-point counter.
typedef struct
 32-bit integer plus a 32-bit divisor, used to simulate floating-point gauge.
typedef struct arm_metric arm_metric_t
 used to pass a metric value to the ARM implementation.
typedef struct arm_metric_binding arm_metric_binding_t
 binds a metric definition (id) to a certain transaction metric slot.
typedef struct arm_property arm_property_t
 defines a name value property pair.
typedef struct arm_subbuffer arm_subbuffer_t
 Generic sub-buffer structure.
typedef struct arm_buffer4 arm_buffer4_t
 User data buffer used to pass different kind of data to a function.
typedef struct
 used to specify which charset the application uses.
typedef struct
 used to specify additional identity properties for an application
typedef struct
 used to associate context properties to an application instance.
typedef struct
 used to specify additional identity properties for a transaction
typedef struct
 used to associate context properties to a transaction instance.
typedef struct
 used to pass the arrival time for a transaction instance.
typedef struct
 used to associate metrics to a transaction
typedef struct
 used to pass a metric values to the ARM implementation.
typedef struct arm_subbuffer_user arm_subbuffer_user_t
 used to associate an user name and/or ID to a transaction instance.
typedef struct
 used to specify a different system than the one on which the call is executed.
typedef struct
 used to provide diagnostic detail information for not good transactions.


 arm_register_application (const arm_char_t *app_name, const arm_id_t *input_app_id, const arm_int32_t flags, const arm_buffer4_t *buffer4, arm_id_t *output_app_id)
 describes and registers the application with ARM
 arm_destroy_application (const arm_id_t *app_id, const arm_int32_t flags, const arm_buffer4_t *buffer4)
 destroy any registered ARM application data
 arm_register_transaction (const arm_id_t *app_id, const arm_char_t *tran_name, const arm_id_t *input_tran_id, const arm_int32_t flags, const arm_buffer4_t *buffer4, arm_id_t *output_tran_id)
 describes and register a transaction with ARM
 arm_register_metric (const arm_id_t *app_id, const arm_char_t *metric_name, const arm_metric_format_t metric_format, const arm_metric_usage_t metric_usage, const arm_char_t *metric_unit, const arm_id_t *input_metric_id, const arm_int32_t flags, const arm_buffer4_t *buffer4, arm_id_t *output_metric_id)
 describes and register metrics with ARM
 arm_start_application (const arm_id_t *app_id, const arm_char_t *app_group, const arm_char_t *app_instance, const arm_int32_t flags, const arm_buffer4_t *buffer4, arm_app_start_handle_t *app_handle)
 indicates that an instance of an application has started running
 arm_stop_application (const arm_app_start_handle_t app_handle, const arm_int32_t flags, const arm_buffer4_t *buffer4)
 stop application
 arm_start_transaction (const arm_app_start_handle_t app_handle, const arm_id_t *tran_id, const arm_correlator_t *parent_correlator, const arm_int32_t flags, const arm_buffer4_t *buffer4, arm_tran_start_handle_t *tran_handle, arm_correlator_t *current_correlator)
 start transaction
 arm_stop_transaction (const arm_tran_start_handle_t tran_handle, const arm_tran_status_t tran_status, const arm_int32_t flags, const arm_buffer4_t *buffer4)
 stop transaction
 arm_update_transaction (const arm_tran_start_handle_t tran_handle, const arm_int32_t flags, const arm_buffer4_t *buffer4)
 update transaction status
 arm_discard_transaction (const arm_tran_start_handle_t tran_handle, const arm_int32_t flags, const arm_buffer4_t *buffer4)
 discard a started transaction.
 arm_block_transaction (const arm_tran_start_handle_t tran_handle, const arm_int32_t flags, const arm_buffer4_t *buffer4, arm_tran_block_handle_t *block_handle)
 indicates that a transaction is blocked.
 arm_unblock_transaction (const arm_tran_start_handle_t tran_handle, const arm_tran_block_handle_t block_handle, const arm_int32_t flags, const arm_buffer4_t *buffer4)
 unblock transaction
 arm_bind_thread (const arm_tran_start_handle_t tran_handle, const arm_int32_t flags, const arm_buffer4_t *buffer4)
 bind a transaction to the excuting thread
 arm_unbind_thread (const arm_tran_start_handle_t tran_handle, const arm_int32_t flags, const arm_buffer4_t *buffer4)
 unbind a transaction from the excuting thread
 arm_report_transaction (const arm_app_start_handle_t app_handle, const arm_id_t *tran_id, const arm_tran_status_t tran_status, const arm_response_time_t response_time, const arm_stop_time_t stop_time, const arm_correlator_t *parent_correlator, const arm_correlator_t *current_correlator, const arm_int32_t flags, const arm_buffer4_t *buffer4)
 report transaction statistics
 arm_generate_correlator (const arm_app_start_handle_t app_handle, const arm_id_t *tran_id, const arm_correlator_t *parent_correlator, const arm_int32_t flags, const arm_buffer4_t *buffer4, arm_correlator_t *current_correlator)
 generate a correlator or pass instrumentation control information.
 arm_get_correlator_length (const arm_correlator_t *correlator, arm_correlator_length_t *length)
 get length of correlator
 arm_get_correlator_flags (const arm_correlator_t *correlator, const arm_int32_t corr_flag_num, arm_boolean_t *flag)
 get value of correlator flag
 arm_get_arrival_time (arm_arrival_time_t *opaque_time)
 gets current time in opaque format.
 arm_get_error_message (const arm_charset_t charset, const arm_error_t code, arm_message_buffer_t msg)
 get an error message
 arm_is_charset_supported (const arm_charset_t charset, arm_boolean_t *supported)
 check supported character encoding

Detailed Description

ARM 4.0 standard header file.

This header file defines all defines, typedefs, structures, and API functions visible for an application which uses an ARM agent. All compiler/platform specifics are handled in a separate header file named <arm4os.h>.

The ARM 4.0 C language binding differs completely from ARM 1.0 and ARM 2.0 bindings.

Typedef Documentation

application start handle type

opaque arrival time

ARM boolean type

typedef ARM4_CHAR arm_char_t

defines an ARM character.

IANA MIBenum values

correlator length type

API call return type

typedef struct arm_id arm_id_t

An ID is a 16-byte binary value, such as a UUID.

All IDs are 16 bytes on an 8-byte boundary.

See also:
Unique ARM ID.
typedef ARM4_INT16 arm_int16_t

16-bit signed integer

typedef ARM4_INT32 arm_int32_t

32-bit signed integer

typedef ARM4_INT64 arm_int64_t

64-bit signed integer

typedef ARM4_INT8 arm_int8_t

8-bit signed integer

typedef arm_char_t arm_message_buffer_t[ARM_MSG_BUFFER_LENGTH]

ARM string buffer type used by arm_get_error_message()

metric format type

metric slot type

metric usage type

response time in nano secs

stop time in milli secs

sub-buffer format type

ARM_SYSADDR_* values

transaction block handle type

transaction start handle type


typedef ARM4_UINT16 arm_uint16_t

16-bit unsigned integer

typedef ARM4_UINT32 arm_uint32_t

32-bit unsigned integer

typedef ARM4_UINT64 arm_uint64_t

64-bit unsigned integer

typedef ARM4_UINT8 arm_uint8_t

used to define an opaque byte array

 All Data Structures Files Functions Variables Typedefs Defines