arm_subbuffer_block_cause Struct Reference
[ARM 4.1 Sub-buffers]

used to specify a block cause for a blocking transaction. More...

#include <arm41.h>

Data Fields

arm_subbuffer_t header
arm_block_cause_t cause
arm_int32_t extended_cause
 This is an optional value that can be used to further qualify the type of blocking cause within the two possible blocking types: synchronous and asynchronous.
const arm_char_tdescription
 This is an optional null-terminated character string with a maximum length of 128 characters, including the termination character, which describes the block cause. A null value indicates that no description is provided.

Detailed Description

used to specify a block cause for a blocking transaction.

Applications may indicate that they are blocked waiting on an external event using the arm_block_transaction() function. When the application becomes unblocked it indicates the same using arm_unblock_transaction(). Calling arm_stop_transaction() implicitly executes an arm_unblock_transaction() for every blocking condition whose end has not been explicitly indicated using arm_unblock_transaction().

Calling arm_block_transaction() with no further information does not indicate the cause of the blocking condition. The Block Cause sub-buffer provides a means to indicate the cause of the blocking condition. Its use is optional. It is valid on the following calls:

In the case of application servers that loop on queued message requests, it is important to distinguish between the application being blocked and a message being blocked (or simply not available yet). arm_block_transaction() and arm_unblock_transaction() are used only within the scope of paired arm_start_transaction() and arm_stop_transaction() calls that indicate the time that work is being processed. If the application server is idle waiting for work to process it would not report this time using arm_block_transaction() and arm_unblock_transaction().

Field Documentation

A value that indicates the cause of the blocking condition. All non-negative values are defined by or reserved by this specification:

This is an optional value that can be used to further qualify the type of blocking cause within the two possible blocking types: synchronous and asynchronous.

  • All non-negative values: Reserved by the standard. It is anticipated that ranges will be assigned to organizations that instrument their software.
  • Negative values:The extended blocking cause is not defined by the standard. There are no restrictions on who uses these values or what they mean.

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