Data Structures

Here are the data structures with brief descriptions:
arm2_correlatorARM 2.0 correlator structure definitions
arm3_correlatorARM 3.0 correlator structure definitions
arm_buffer4User data buffer used to pass different kind of data to a function
arm_correlatorARM 4.0 correlator structure
arm_correlator_headerCorrelator header which must be the same across all implementations
arm_idAn ID is a 16-byte binary value, such as a UUID
arm_message_rcvd_eventDescribes a received event
arm_message_sent_eventDescribes a sent event
arm_metricUsed to pass a metric value to the ARM implementation
arm_metric_bindingBinds a metric definition (id) to a certain transaction metric slot
arm_metric_cntrdivr3232-bit integer plus a 32-bit divisor, used to simulate floating-point counter
arm_metric_gaugedivr3232-bit integer plus a 32-bit divisor, used to simulate floating-point gauge
arm_propertyDefines a name value property pair
arm_subbufferGeneric sub-buffer structure
arm_subbuffer_app_contextUsed to associate context properties to an application instance
arm_subbuffer_app_controlThe sub-buffer is used by applications to request the type and scope of instrumentation the ARM implementation prefers
arm_subbuffer_app_identityUsed to specify additional identity properties for an application
arm_subbuffer_arrival_timeUsed to pass the arrival time for a transaction instance
arm_subbuffer_block_causeUsed to specify a block cause for a blocking transaction
arm_subbuffer_charsetUsed to specify which charset the application uses
arm_subbuffer_diag_detailUsed to provide diagnostic detail information for not good transactions
arm_subbuffer_diag_propertiesUsed to pass diagnostic detail properties to the ARM implementation
arm_subbuffer_formatted_arrival_time_stringsUsed to pass a arrival time in a string representation
arm_subbuffer_formatted_arrival_time_usecJan1970Used to pass a arrival time since jan 1970
arm_subbuffer_message_rcvd_eventUsed to pass an received event to the ARM implementation
arm_subbuffer_message_sent_eventUsed to pass a sent event to the ARM implementation
arm_subbuffer_metric_bindingsUsed to associate metrics to a transaction
arm_subbuffer_metric_valuesUsed to pass a metric values to the ARM implementation
arm_subbuffer_prep_statsUsed to pass a arrival time as a pre-calculated preparation statistics
arm_subbuffer_prep_timeUsed to pass a arrival time as a pre-calculated preparation time
arm_subbuffer_system_addressUsed to specify a different system than the one on which the call is executed
arm_subbuffer_tran_contextUsed to associate context properties to a transaction instance
arm_subbuffer_tran_id_controlThe sub-buffer is used by applications to request the type and scope of instrumentation the ARM implementation prefers for all instances using a registered transaction ID
arm_subbuffer_tran_identityUsed to specify additional identity properties for a transaction
arm_subbuffer_tran_instance_controlThe Transaction Instance Control sub-buffer is used by applications to request the type and scope of instrumentation the ARM implementation prefers for a transaction instance
arm_subbuffer_userUsed to associate an user name and/or ID to a transaction instance
arm_your_correlatorDefine an agent implementation's correlator format here
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